1° anno
Corso di studi:
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica Clinica Forense e dello Sport D.M. 270
AA 2024/2025
Altri files
- Esempio domande esame 2023
- Esercizio del 22 novembre 2024 risolto
- Esercizio del 22 novembre da completare per la kcat per la volta prossima
- Esercizio del 25 novembre 2024 da completare per la volta prossima
- Esercizio risolto 29 nov 2024 inibitori e Cheng e Prusoff
- Indicazioni per la stesura del progetto di ricerca 2024/25
- A bacterial enzyme useful in antidoping analysis.
- A novel protein chip for simultaneous detection of antibodies against four epidemic swine viruses in China 2020
- ABPP applied to FAAH van Esbroeck, Science 2017
- Advancements in Oncoproteomics Technologies: Treading toward Translation into Clinical Practice 2023
- articolo 2 su binding
- articolo su binding
- Bioaffinity-based assay for the sensitive detection and discrimination of sweat aimed at forensic applications
- Biosensors in forensic analysis. A review
- Establishing Personalized Blood Protein Reference Ranges Using Noninvasive Microsampling and Targeted Proteomics: Implications for Antidoping Strategies 2024
- Forensic proteomics 2021
- Peptidi attivi per contrastare la formazione di fibrille nel Parkinson e Alzheimer: articolo 1
- Peptidi attivi per contrastare la formazione di fibrille nel Parkinson e Alzheimer: articolo 2
- Peptidi attivi per contrastare la formazione di fibrille nel Parkinson e Alzheimer: articolo 3
- Peptidi attivi per contrastare la formazione di fibrille nel Parkinson e Alzheimer: articolo 4
- Proteomic and yeast 2-hybrid 2024
- 01. Introduction 2024 and experimental conditions
- 02. Cell lysis, protein extraction, precipitation, centrifugation and dialysis
- 03. protein quantitation and enzyme assay
- 04. Electrophoresis techniques
- 05. Proteomics by 2DE gel analysis and MS (can be included in the exam open questions like lectures 06 to 15)
- 06. Introduction to enzymes and mathematical models in enyme and binding proteins studies
- 07, 08, 09 2024 Lezioni modelli matematici in enzimologia
- 07. 08. 09. 2023 PRE LECTURE NOTES Michaelis Menten model and linearisation. Reversible inhibition, and IC50 Non M&M cases including Hill, Binding Protein
- 10. protein chips and arrays
- 11. Biosensors
- 12. Functional proteomics: ABPP
- 13.Spectroscopy for protein analysis
- 14. protein folding and related diseases
- 15. Two substrates model, lecture 7th January 2025
- 15. Two substrates model, pre-lecture old notes (topic not included in the first exam of January 2025)
AA 2023/2024
- 2DE spot quiz
- Curve emoglobina e mioglobina
- Esempio linearizzazione di Hill da completare
- Esercizio del 23 novembre 2023 inibitori
- Esercizio del 21 nov 2023 da completare per il 23 nov
- esercizio doppi substrati
- Test comprensione/autovalutazione metodologie biochimiche generale
- Turni laboratorio 2023/24
- 01. Introduction 2023 and experimental conditions
- 02. Cell lysis, protein extraction, precipitation, centrifugation and dialysis
- 03. protein quantitation and enzyme assay
- 04. Electrophoresis techniques
- 05. Proteomics by 2DE gel analysis and MS (can be included in the exam open questions like lectures 06 to 15)
- 06. Introduction to enzymes and mathematical models in enyme and binding proteins studies
- 07. 08. 09. 2022 PRE LECTURE NOTES Michaelis Menten model and linearisation. Reversible inhibition, and IC50 Non M&M cases including Hill, Binding Protein models
- 07. 08. 09. 2023 PRE LECTURE NOTES Michaelis Menten model and linearisation. Reversible inhibition, and IC50 Non M&M cases including Hill, Binding Protein
- 10. protein chips and arrays
- 11. Biosensors
- 12. Functional proteomics: ABPP
- 13.Spectroscopy for protein analysis
- 14. protein folding and related diseases
- 15. Two substrates model, pre-lecture old notes (topic not included in the first exam of January 2025)
AA 2022/2023
Altri files
- A bacterial enzyme useful in antidoping analysis.
- ABPP applied to FAAH van Esbroeck, Science 2017
- articolo 2 su binding
- articolo su binding
- Bioaffinity-based assay for the sensitive detection and discrimination of sweat aimed at forensic applications
- Biosensors in forensic analysis. A review
- 2DE spot quiz
- Curve emoglobina e mioglobina
- Dati reali cinetiche su idrogenasi
- Esercizi svolti 6 dic 2022
- esercizio doppi substrati
- Esercizio linearizzazione Hill 14 dicembre 2022
- esercizio linearizzazioni in aula del 1 dic 2022
- Link ai turni di laboratorio
- Supporto lezione risorse elettroniche
- 01. Introduction 2022 and experimental conditions
- 02. Cell lysis, protein extraction, precipitation, centrifugation and dialysis
- 03. protein quantitation and enzyme assay
- 04. Electrophoresis techniques
- 05. Proteomics by 2DE gel analysis and MS (can be included in the exam open questions like lectures 06 to 15)
- 06. Introduction to enzymes and mathematical models in enyme and binding proteins studies
- 07. 08. 09. 2022 PRE LECTURE NOTES Michaelis Menten model and linearisation. Reversible inhibition, and IC50 Non M&M cases including Hill, Binding Protein models
- 07. 08. 09. PRE LECTURE NOTES Michaelis Menten model and linearisation. Reversible inhibition, and IC50 Non M&M cases including Hill (lecture notes part1 18-25 nov 2021))
- 09a. Binding proteins: models (Scatchard and Hill plots) old notes pre-lecture 2 dic 2021
- 10. protein chips and arrays
- 11. Biosensors
- 12. Functional proteomics: ABPP
- 13.Spectroscopy for protein analysis
- 14. protein folding and related diseases
- 15. Two substrates model, pre lecture old notes (lecture notes 23-25 nov 2021) (not included in the 24th of January 2023 exam test)
- 15. Two substrates model, pre-lecture old notes (topic not included in the first exam of January 2025)
AA 2021/2022
- A bacterial enzyme useful in antidoping analysis.
- ABPP applied to FAAH van Esbroeck, Science 2017
- Analytical Strategies for Doping Control Purposes: Needs, Challenges, and Perspectives
- articolo 2 su binding
- articolo su binding
- Bioaffinity-based assay for the sensitive detection and discrimination of sweat aimed at forensic applications
- Biosensors in forensic analysis. A review
- Proteomica 2 DE
- Proteomica 2DE e MS
- 01. Introduction and parameters for in vitro exp design
- 05. Proteomics by 2DE gel analysis and MS (can be included in the exam open questions like lectures 06 to 15)
- 07. 08. 09. PRE LECTURE NOTES Michaelis Menten model and linearisation. Reversible inhibition, and IC50 Non M&M cases including Hill (lecture notes part1 18-25 nov 2021))
- 09a. Binding proteins: models (Scatchard and Hill plots) old notes pre-lecture 2 dic 2021
- 11. Biosensors
- 12. Functional proteomics: ABPP
- 14. protein folding and related diseases
- 15. Two substrates model, pre lecture old notes (lecture notes 23-25 nov 2021) (not included in the 24th of January 2023 exam test)
AA 2020/2021
- A bacterial enzyme useful in antidoping analysis.
- ABPP applied to FAAH van Esbroeck, Science 2017
- Analytical Strategies for Doping Control Purposes: Needs, Challenges, and Perspectives
- articolo 2 su binding
- Articolo Enzyme-like sensor
- binding analysis
- Bioaffinity-based assay for the sensitive detection and discrimination of sweat aimed at forensic applications
- Biosensors in forensic analysis. A review
- Proteomica 2 DE
- Proteomica 2DE e MS
- 01. Introduction and parameters for in vitro exp design
- 07. Michaelis Menten model and linearisation
- 07_bis. Reversible inhibitors
- 08. Competitive, uncompetitive and non competitive inhibition linear plot
- 08_bis. Hill model and linearisation
- 09. Reversible inhibitors, IC50 vs Ki. Other non M&M models (substrate inhibition and polynomial model)
- 09_bis. Two substrate model part 1
- 09a. Binding proteins: models (Scatchard and Hill plots) old notes pre-lecture 2 dic 2021
- 10. Two substrates model part 2
- 12. Functional proteomics: ABPP
- 14. protein folding and related diseases
AA 2019/2020
- 01. introduction and conditions for experimental setup
- 02_Cell lysis, extraction, precipitation and centrifugation, dialysis and ultrafiltration
- 03_protein quantitation assay
- 04. Electrophoresis
- 06. protein analysis Edman
- 07. MS analysis on proteins
- 08. Introduction to enzyme activity and catalysis models
- 12. Functional proteomics: ABPP
AA 2018/2019
- 01. introduction and conditions for experimental setup
- 02_Cell lysis, extraction, precipitation and centrifugation, dialysis and ultrafiltration
- 03_protein quantitation assay
- 04-electrophoresis mono
- 05. 2D electrophoresis
- 06. protein analysis Edman
- 07. MS analysis on proteins
- 08. Introduction to enzyme activity and catalysis models
AA 2017/2018
- 01. introduction and conditions for experimental setup
- 02_Cell lysis, extraction, precipitation and centrifugation, dialysis and ultrafiltration
- 03_protein quantitation assay
- 04-electrophoresis mono
- 05. 2D electrophoresis
- 06. protein analysis Edman
- 07. MS analysis on proteins
- 08. Introduction to enzyme activity and catalysis models